Discord Rich Presence Tool A C/Qt program that lets you fill in your own custom Discord Rich Presence information for games and activities away from the PC. Easy to use custom Rich Presence manager (custom Playing status) for Discord. Features run on startup and minimizing to tray.
This article written by MiniTool party gives an overall introduction to Discord Rich Presence. It tells you the functions of Rich Presence, how to integrate Rich Presence into Discord, as well as how to make use of Rich Presence.
In general, Rich Presence is a living invitation to play games together or to watch your friends playing. It is a new feature from Discord that enables you to surface unique, interesting, and actionable data inside a Discord user’s profile when others play your game.
Rich Presence Discord enables you to add beautiful art and detailed information to show off what you are playing in Discord status. Also, it allows you to know what your friends are doing and you can decide to ask to join in and play together with them.
With Rich Presence Discord, you can do the following things at ease.
Each day, millions of users start their session on Discord and then jump into their favorite games. Gamers are able to send party invites directly in Discord that will open the game client by hooking up the Join API. With Rich Presence, players don’t have to mess around and add each other on other services anymore.
Learn how to add people on Discord and how to invite friends to a Discord server by sending them invitation link or friend request on either computer or mobile.
Just as mentioned in the above part, you can request an invite right within Discord relying on Discord Rich Presence. After confirmation, both gamers will be partied up and ready to play.
Do you want to have a spectate mode in your game? If so, you can easily achieve that by adding a Spectate button to a player’s profile pop-out. thus, any of his friends can watch via your client in just one click. You can also send a spectate invite to any chat channel you would like.
All in all, the Rich Presence data gives other players a clear understanding of what you are doing, thus they can decide whether they want to play with you or not.
To make all the Rich Presence features come true, all you need is Discord’s header file, which you will interact with, and Discord’s library.
In Discord’s header file, you can find 6 event-emitting callbacks. They make up the entirety of what you need to implement. And behind the scenes, Discord developers do all the heavy lifting for you.
the header file also includes the Discord_RunCallbacks() function, which invokes any pending callbacks from Discord on the calling thread (it’s thread-safe).
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How to integrate Rich Presence into your Discord? It’s easy and only a few days are needed using the official open-source Rich Presence SDK for C, C++, Unity, or Unreal. After that, you will have all those Rich Presence functions for your games.
Step 1. Create an application.
Step 2. Save Client ID. When you have successfully created your application, remember to save the Client ID (also referred to as application_id), which is needed to initialize the SDK of Rich Presence.
Step 3. Scroll down to the bottom of the application’s page and click Enable Rich Presence. This will enable you to upload assets to your dashboard for future use.
Step 4. Register your callback function to the six DiscordEventHandlers and then call Discord_Initialize() with your application_id. If your game is distributed through Steam, you also need to pass your application’s Steam ID thus Discord can launch your game through Steam.
Finally, when you are ready to publish your integration, you are recommended to dig into the source code of the SDK and copy discord_register.h, discord_register_win.cpp, discord_register_osx.m, and discord_register_linux.cpp into your installation and update process.
By registering your application protocols on installation and update, your players will not need to run the game before being able to interact with invites, ask to join, as well as spectate in Discord.
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How to use Discord Rich Presence? The below is the manual for Discord custom rich presence on the update, joining, spectating, and secrets.
Discord_UpdatePresence() sends your game data up to Discord so that it can be seen and used by others. You should call Discord_UpdatePresence() any time something important in the presence payload changes.
Discord_UpdatePresence() has a rate limit of one update per 15 seconds. Developers don’t need to do anything to deal with this rate limit. The SDK will queue up any presence updated sent in that window and send the newest one when the client is free to do so. If you are wondering that why you do not see your Discord Rich Presence changing, the reason is that you may send presence updates frequently.
The relevant callbacks of joining are joinGame() and joinRequest().
The relevant payload data are partyId, partySize, partyMax, and joinSecret. When you send the relevant payload data in the Discord_UpdatePresence() call, your players are able to invite a Discord chat channel to play with them.
This kind of invite is tied to the player’s party info. So, if their partyId changes, the invite will expire. If their partySize and partyMax changes, the invite will add, remove, and fill up slots dynamically.
For other gamers, they can click the Join option on the invitation to launch their game. The joinGame() callback will fire in their client with the inviting player’s joinSecret. Also, the client should reverse hash or otherwise unencrypt this secret and match the players together.
The relevant callback of spectating is spectateGame().
The relevant payload data of spectating is spectateSecret. Similar to the Rich Presence joining, when you send the relevant payload data in the Discord_UpdatePresence() call, your player will receive the ability to invite a Discord chat channel to spectate their game. This invite is tied to the matchSecret and will expire when it changes.
For other players, they can click the Spectate option on the invitation to launch their game. The spectateGame() callback will fire in their client with the original gamer’s spectateSecre. The client should reverse hash or otherwise unencrypt this secret and spectate that gamer’s game.
For a more and detailed guide of rich presence, or if you want to see some examples of each function, you can visit the developer documentation.
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Generally, all fields in the DiscordRichPresence object are completely optional. Anything you select to omit will not be displayed and the user interface will automatically adapt from the full Rich Presence object down to the basic presence view. Yet, you are recommended to contain as many fields as possible to make your game more attractive and interactive for others.
Besides the number of abundant info items, the way how you arrange them greatly influences the attractiveness of your profile. there are some tips for you to create an attractive profile.