Backfill: The full version can download thousands of bars/time interval backfill data, many symbols have full history from daily interval up. (Demo version displays only the 100 recent bars. This is the only limitation in the demo version.)

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FeedPlus 3.0 Realtime Data Feed for Amibroker. November 4, 2010 2 min read. Sansharam had developed a realtime data feed application for amibroker long time back and now he had released his FeedPlus 3.0. Presently Feeds plus is coming in AmiBroker Version only. Here are the utility details. Real Time 5 Second Tick Data for Indian Stock Market. High Speed Servers Build for Traders, Trade any platform from any device on our powerful low-latency hardware. Windows Server 2012 r2 Standard. VNC / Browser Login / Teamviewer & Amibroker included. An opportunity for independent trading on your account from your PC, laptop, or Android and Apple mobile phones and tablets. ValueRT is one of the Leading Stock Market Data Provider for Amibroker Data Feeder, Share Market Live Data and Data Feeds for Amibroker. Easy to use RT Data Feed App is compatible for Windows XP (SP3), Windows 7, Windows 88. Arthur Miller The Price Pdf Diffuser here. Windows 10 and can be used for Real Time Data for Amibroker ver 5.4 or above.

Amibroker stores the downloaded data automatically. The full version has no limitations on bar count; the data will be gathered during usage and you will have thousands of bars in a short time (depending on the time interval!)

  • Symbol info for more than 60 index components (= thousands of symbols): SP500, NASDAQ, Frankfurt (DAX), London (FTSE), Paris (CAC), Milano (FTMIB), Madrid (IBEX), Commodity Futures, Vienna (ATX), Amsterdam (AEX), Belgium (BFX), Budapest (BUX), Copenhagen (OMXC20), Helsinki (OMXH25), Oslo (OMXO20PI), Stockholm (OMXS30), Lisbon (PSI20), Prague (PX), Switzerland (SSMI), Dow Jones (DJI), Mexico (IPC), Istanbul (XU100), Warsaw (WIG20), Taiwan, Tadawul (TASI), Tel Aviv (TA25), Euro Stoxx, Tokyo (Nikkei), Nifty (NSE), Sensex (BSE), Buenos Aires (Merval, Bolsa), Moscow (MICEX, RTSI), Seoul (KOSPI), Jakarta (JKSE), Hang Seng (HSI), Bovespa (BVSP), Athens (ATG), ...

  • Cryptocurrency pairs (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, ...) for ~30 markets

  • Mixed Intra/EOD database supported

  • Realtime Quotes supported (Windows 8+ required)

  • Manual and SCHEDULED bulk chart update (requires additional license)

Sansharam had developed a realtime data feed application for amibroker long time back and now he had released his FeedPlus 3.0. Presently Feeds plus is coming in AmiBroker Version only. Here are the utility details

Real Time 5 Second Tick Data for Indian Stock Market
1 Min 15 Days backFill and Downloads in Text Format
EOD Backfill and Downloads in Text Format
Bhav Copies [BSE, NSE, NSEFO] Downloads in Text Format and Direct Import to AmiBroker
NSE Futures Scriptwise EOD BackFill and Downloads in Text Format
Unlimited numbers of Profile Creation with 75 scripts in each.
Automatic Database creation. and Database Sync Fecility.… easy to delete unwanted scripts in AmiBroker.

Easy to Setup and Easy to use.
Uniform Symbol Names for all downloads.
Automatically Updated with all updations.

Download it here : FeedsPlus3.0.exe

New Functions Added 03-11-2010

1. NSE all Indices and VIX India EOD data download
2. Choice to file format…. .csv or .txt for the download of Bhav and others
3. Selection of interval for RT data
4. Provision to change the Yahoo id and Password
5. New script of your choice can be added to your Profile

Utility Setup Details

Must Prerequisites Windows XP and .NET 3.5

In this Version You have specify the path for AmiBroker[Broker.exe] and path for the Amibroker Database too…. in the Settings Tab. A New Database will be created atthe First Run and same will be used in all times for more settings details Please Visit Help.

Database of AmiBroker should be of (local database)………..local data storage…..enabled……………..Tick data with Allow Mixed EOD/Intraday dataChecked in Intraday Settings.


You can create profiles with your required scripts for yahoo data…

Real Time Data Feeder For Amibroker Crack Download


Click on Button–>> Settings –>> Here you can create New Profile or Modify Existing Profile or Delete any unwanted Profile.

Add Profile — >>> Enter the New Profile Name–>>>> Select the script List…..(CNX_500, Indian_Indices, or World_Indices) Scripts will be displayed in the list below —>>>>Double Click on the script…… will be added to the right list—>> Click on Create button.

Modify Profile — >>> Select the Profile which needs to be modified….. The scripts in the profile will be displayed in the right side list—->>>Double Click on the script….will be deleted from the profile Select the script List…..(CNX_500, Indian_Indices, or World_Indices) Scripts will be displayed in the list below —>>>>Double Click on the script…… will be added to the right list—>> Click on Update button.

Delete Profile — >>> Select the Profile which needs to be deleted….. —>> Click on Delete button.

Click on Done to exit from Profile settings

Messages in the Status bar will help you in all the setup steps.

Whats New??

Automatic Database Creation and Maintenance…… an Amibroker database will be created at your given path and same will be used for all future work from FeedsPlus.

Database Sync…… This Option will help you to delete unwanted Scripts in AmiBroker. By choosing this option you can delete all the scripts other than the scripts which are not in selected Profile of FeedsPlus.

Auto Updation… New version of FeedsPlus will update all new updates of Feedsplu Autometically.

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The 1 min back fill is provided for the previous consecutive 15 trading days

Application will refresh data on each five seconds…… Price updation can be viewed with a Market watch window…..

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You don’t have to update Script list manually…. it will be done automatically on each new month ….. as of now it is done for CNX 500 Scripts only…. in future it will be for all NSE scripts…..

No registry changes or no any changes to system data will be done…….. uninstall will remove everything clearly & automatically…….

The present version is with 30 days validity from Registration…. your comments and feed backs will be helpful to improve the utility.

Amibroker 6.20 Crack Download

Sansharam can be reached at, and